ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS – THE BEST TOOLS TO SAVE YOU THOUSANDS Aug 13, 2013 Most people are not aware of estate planning, and if they are, they do not believe that it can be of any use to them. Estate planning seminars can give you both an understanding of the importance of managing both small […]
Estate Planning Seminars: Valuable Tools To Save You Thousands
ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS – THE BEST TOOLS TO SAVE YOU THOUSANDS Aug 13, 2013 Most people are not aware of estate planning, and if they are, they do not believe that it can be of any use to them. Estate planning seminars can give you both an understanding of the importance of managing both small […]
Estate Planning Benefits Of Life And Healthcare Insurance
THE BEST ESTATE PLANNING BENEFITS OF LIFE AND HEALTHCARE INSURANCE Aug 27, 2013 Cohen Law Fact Life and healthcare insurances are indispensable parts of estate planning. Good health is a common sense investment. Late life illness is a risk for everyone and covering its expenses is a fundamental part of an effective estate plan. Life insurance is […]
Could A Change In Typeface Reduce The Harm From Distracted Driving?
THE BEST PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS IN QUEENS EXPLAIN – COULD A CHANGE IN TYPEFACE REDUCE THE HARM FROM DISTRACTED DRIVING? Distracted driving is epidemic on our nation’s roads. Thousands of people die every year from distracted driving and nearly half a million are injured. In New York, it is against the law to text and […]
90 Percent of Parents Admit to Driving While Distracted
90 PERCENT OF PARENTS ADMIT TO DRIVING WITH DISTRACTION – EXPLAINED BY THE BEST QUEENS PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS While most people think of distracted driving as a problem for teenage drivers, a recent study shows that many parents also engage in distracting behaviors while behind the wheel. It is common knowledge that distracted driving […]